Name: Donald Alforque
Company: Crafty Solutions/Alliance in Motion Incorporated
Course: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
School: STI Cotabato
Year: 2009
This are some pictures when we conducted our interview last December 10, 2011.
Interview a Systems Analyst and ask what skills and characteristics must a systems analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process [include in your answer evidences (pix, ltrs, etc)]? at least 2000 words exlcuding your evidences.
Discuss the role of a systems analyst as a project manager. (at least one thousand words) .... you need to interview an analyst/project manager ..attach evidences ..
In the previous post I have a good system analyst is to perform its functions well, the system analyst should be skillful enough to understand the flow of the system to be able to solve any problems that may arise. As what I have learned in discussion in our class system analyst can be a problem solver or they can be a problem maker. In Module 2 of our Systems Analysis and Design 1, we have tackled about the approaches to systems development. In a systems development life cycle, there are various phases of problem-solving approach: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support phases. These things make up the different steps of a system analyst in software / systems development project. Some use the traditional approaches like the waterfall model, overlapping, and iteration. Now there are also many kinds of methodologies and models used in system development. There are a lot of tools and techniques that a system analyst can utilize to guide the system analyst in mapping out the components of a system. Aside from the traditional approach, many developers soon developed structured analysis and design techniques which gave birth to various charts such as data flow diagram (DFD), entity-relationship diagram (ERD), class diagrams, and furthermore, the object – oriented approaches. Current trends in system development include the spiral model, extreme programming (XP), the unified process (UP), and Agile modeling. There are also a variety of computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools which are designed to help analyst complete tasks.
As we can see, these models and methods are of good use especially to the developer. But these tools and techniques must be chosen well because not all models are to be used in just one system development project. It depends on what type of system you are using, the components that are to be included, the flow of the system, and many other factors to be considered. If a system analyst is not adept enough to identify the kinds of models the system analyst should best use, then it would be hard to illustrate the system development life cycle.
And also I have research from the wikianswers.com some characteristics that a system analyst must have. The system analyst must be familiar with designing concepts that is appropriate for the particular development environment. This means one who is good at designing commercial buildings isn't necessarily a good person to design residential housing. Although a lot of concepts overlap, one who is good at designing mainframe system isn't necessarily a good candidate for web projects. The system analyst should have the skills to use the tools to facilitate the system analyst’s work. An example of this is the design software tools. If someone is struggling to use a hammer s/he is worrying about putting a nail in straight not about building a good structure. Another one is that system analyst should have the industry/business knowledge or the capacity to acquire them. System implementation is a lot like a bunch of blind people trying to figure out what an elephant looks like. Each person has his/her own field expertise. However, the more knowledge one person has would make the process easier and create better results. Apparently, with all this characteristics that they give. We have given a task to interview a system analyst to know his/her point of view of system analyst.
Interview a Systems Analyst and ask what skills and characteristics must a systems analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process [include in your answer evidences (pix, ltrs, etc)]? at least 2000 words excluding your evidences.
Last December 10, 2011 at exactly 10:00 am in the morning me with my group mates in the SAD project we went to the boarding house of the Mr. Donald Alforque a system analyst of Alliance in motion Global Incorporated. We ask him his point of view regarding the skills and characteristics a Systems Analyst should develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process. First we have question him What is System Analyst? on his own opinion, he answered:”System analyst there designation is to design and analyze computer systems to match on the business clients”. The second one he answered is that “the system analyst is to configure computer system, determined individual job requirements to secure and deploy an effective information system.”
The second question we ask is that, what are some technical and non technical skills that a system analyst must have? He answered: In the technical skills the system analyst must be a programmer: the system analyst must know different programming languages that they can use in coding. Second one the system analyst must be dynamic in the sense of learning new things or upgrading his knowledge in technologies, do more research and think of the future. In the non-technical skills he added that the system analyst must not believe on blunt truth and base on the results and actual facts.
The third question we have for Mr. Alforque is that state some of the job specific tasks that he have performed in the company that he have been working right now he said that when the system analyst is working a project in a company the system analyst must depends on the business logic and computer logic to suit the needs of needs of the clients to the business that they have. He added that the project he has finish is a system of a grocery store he has not mentioned the name of the grocery store for the confidentiality of the company.
The last question we have we have asked is that what are the characteristics must a system analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process. Mr. Alforque said the first characteristics must have the system analyst is to be a good leader the system analyst must possess a good leadership skills so that he can manage the team very well. The system analyst always learning new ideas and do more research. The system analyst must rely on the actual results and facts. The system analyst must be professional in addressing the problem of an organization.
With all the answer that Mr. Alforque said about the system analyst: its characteristics, skills and many more. We have learned many things and lessons of what being a system analyst, what are the works of a system analyst and what are the skills and characteristics must have a system analyst is. Not only in the system Analyst but also in the System Analysis and Design. He gave also some advice for us in taking this course.
Assignment #3 SAD1
Discuss the role of a systems analyst as a project manager. (at least one thousand words) .... you need to interview an analyst/project manager ..attach evidences ..
A system analyst is the person (or persons) systems analyst researches problems, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, and coordinates development to meet business to meet the request of the client. Also, the system analyst guides the development of the information system.
These are the list of the primary responsibilities of being a Systems Analyst :
1. Collect information to analyze and evaluate existing or proposed systems.
2. Research, plan, install, configure, troubleshoot, maintain and upgrade operating systems.
3. Research, plan, install, configure, troubleshoot, maintain and upgrade hardware and software interfaces with the operating system. Analyze and evaluate present or proposed business procedures or problems to define data processing needs.
4. Prepare detailed flow charts and diagrams outlining systems capabilities and processes.
5. Research and recommend hardware and software development, purchase, and use.
6. Troubleshoot and resolve hardware, software, and connectivity problems, including user access and component configuration.
7. Select among authorized procedures and seek assistance when guidelines are inadequate, significant deviations are proposed, or when unanticipated problems arise.
8. Record and maintain hardware and software inventories, site and/or server licensing, and user access and security.
9. Install, configure, and upgrade desktop hardware and peripherals to include; network cards, printers, modems, mice and add-in boards.
10. Work as a team member with other technical staff, such as networking to ensure connectivity and compatibility between systems.
11. Write and maintain system documentation.
12. Conduct technical research on system upgrades to determine feasibility, cost, time required, and compatibility with current system.
13. Maintain confidentiality with regard to the information being processed, stored or accessed by the network.
14. Document system problems and resolutions for future reference.
Role of System Analyst differs from organization to organization. Most common responsibilities of System Analyst are following:
1. System analysis: It includes system's study in order to get facts about business activity. It is about getting information and determining requirements. Here the responsibility includes only requirement determination, not the design of the system.
2. System analysis and design: Here apart from the analysis work, Analyst is also responsible for the designing of the new system/application.
3. Systems analysis, design, and programming: Here Analyst is also required to perform as a programmer, where he actually writes the code to implement the design of the proposed application.
With all the different responsibilities above mentioned that a system analyst must have. The system analyst requires to being a complex person with varied skills required at various stages of the life cycle. In addition to the technical know-how of the information system development a system analyst should also have the following knowledge.
Business knowledge: As the analyst might have to develop any kind of a business system, he should be familiar with the general functioning of all kind of businesses.
Interpersonal skills:
Such skills are required at various stages of development process for interacting with the users and extracting the requirements out of them
Problem solving skills:
A system analyst should have enough problem solving skills for defining the alternate solutions to the system and also for the problems occurring at the various stages of the development process.
What does the project manager do?
A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers can have the responsibility of the planning, execution, and closing of any project, typically relating to construction industry, architecture, computer networking, telecommunications or software development.
A project manager is the person accountable for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the triple constraint for projects, which are; cost, time, and quality (also known as scope).
A project manager is often a client representative and has to determine and implement the exact needs of the client, based on knowledge of the firm they are representing. The ability to adapt to the various internal procedures of the contracting party, and to form close links with the nominated representatives, is essential in ensuring that the key issues of cost, time, quality and above all, client satisfaction, can be realized.
These are the common responsibilities of a project manager: developing the project plan, managing the project stakeholders, managing the project team, managing the project risk, managing the project schedule, managing the project budget and managing the project conflicts.
Characteristics of a Project Manager
Obtusely the project manager like managing projects. When managing a project there are many considerations that they must considered and they are neutral about it. According to syntelinc.com these are the top five characteristics of a great project manager:
1. Interpersonal skills. The ability to manage people is vital. Project managers will ultimately be responsible for coordinating the efforts of the technical staff assigned to the project. It's crucial that they have the interpersonal and leadership skills to direct team members and keep them motivated and on track. They also need to be able to smoothly navigate through the tricky politics within and between the participating organizations.
2. Organizational skills. This key characteristic of great project managers is absolutely critical to keep projects on schedule and budget. The ability to assign resources, prioritize tasks, and keep tabs on the budget will ensure quality and impact the project's success.
3. Communication skills. The project manager is the main communication link between the business managers and technical team. His or her ability to clearly communicate with members of both groups is essential. He or she must be able to clearly communicate project objectives, challenges or problems, scope changes, and regular project status reports.
Communication skills become even more critical. Project managers must not only communicate with team members that may be on the other side of the world, they must do so in a way that makes the global nature of the project invisible to the client. It's an added challenge to try to effectively communicate between on-site and offshore staff. But an experienced offshore outsourcing project manager can do this with ease. In addition to global distance between personnel, he or she also needs to be aware of and address cultural differences.
4. Problem-solving skills. In every project, it's unexpected problems or challenges that drive everyone crazy. The project manager must be able to effectively handle these situations and mitigate risk so they don't get out of control.
5. Professional training. Look for project managers that have PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP®) training, the project management profession's most respected and globally recognized certification credential. To obtain PMP certification, an individual must satisfy education and experience requirements, agree and adhere to a Code of Professional Conduct, and pass the PMP Certification Examination.
It takes an extraordinary person to be able to bring all these characteristics together. But taking the time to thoroughly interview and check references to ensure you find someone with the above skills is important. Making sure your project manager has these skills will increase the chances of success on your next project. It is sometimes the case that project managers do not feel sufficiently empowered to manage and control the things/people they need to manage and control in order to be successful. This problem has a solution.
Output of our interview with Mr. Donald Alforque of Global Alliance in Motion Incorporated.
Mr. Alforque said that the A Systems Analyst as a Project Manager is involved with the planning, controlling and monitoring, and also managing and directing the assigned project resources to meet the project objectives or the goals of the client for the business or an organization. The System analyst as an a project manager controls and monitors project scope, time and cost or the quality of the system—in managing competing project requirements. He also examines the organizational culture and determines whether project management is recognized as a valid role with accountability and authority for managing the project.
http://www.freetutes.com/systemanalysis/role-of-system-analyst.html http://www.syntelinc.com/Internal.aspx?id=707
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